How to Create a Communication System That Works for You — And Your Practice

Doctor with phone and HIPAA Compliant VOIP app

Healthcare is the fastest-growing industry in the United States, employing over 18 million workers, including 938,966 active physicians and 45,000 psychiatrists, 81,000 psychologists, and 198,811 therapists in the mental health field.  Almost two million patients visit hospitals and clinics daily, expecting high-quality care and efficient and reliable communication. Strong provider-patient communication is essential for creating […]

The Key to Successful Patient Engagement: How to Appeal to Modern-Day Patients

Engaged Patient reading text message

What’s the secret to keeping patients engaged with your healthcare clinic and practice and coming back for future treatment? Heading into 2020, the answer to successful patient engagement is simple: Convenience. According to a survey by NRC Health’s Market Insights, more than half (51%) of patients say convenience and access to care are the most […]