RingRx Blog

Educational materials and industry insights to help empower healthcare professionals like you and enhance patient care.

While charting the journey from the X-ray to the MRI or from penicillin to gene therapy and beyond is fascinating, one healthcare area that has perhaps more quietly been transforming over the past two decades is patient communication.

Despite the threats of economic downturn, the cosmetic surgery industry has continued expanding over the past several years. While some expected the pandemic to slow industry growth, combining more disposable income and video platform time increased interest in cosmetic surgery. Coupled with the strong rise in patients under 45—a generation based on sharing on social media and with fewer taboos about talking openly about their procedures and experiences—we are seeing a wave of new patients coming into practices. Even more are coming, with the industry expected to post a CAGR of almost 10% annually through 2030.

RingRx is excited to introduce our redesigned customer portal. We've listened to your feedback and addressed key pain points and user suggestions. The new portal features a brand-new dashboard and other features that make running your healthcare practice even easier. It also makes it easier than ever to access the RingRx features you use daily.

Managing a healthcare practice goes beyond routine administrative tasks. It encompasses a range of responsibilities, from policy implementation to problem-solving. As a …

Larger healthcare providers face an array of challenges, from varying stakeholder needs to disparate communication systems and ever-changing industry regulations and policies. …