5 Ways Cloud Communication Technology Can Help Your Practice Thrive

5 Ways Cloud Communication Technology Can Help Your Practice Thrive

Regardless of your personal opinion or being in the healthcare industry, the rapid advance of technology is not going to slow down anytime soon. Healthcare practices that fail to adapt are going to find themselves left behind in the dust, while the more savvy, early tech adopters will reap the rewards. The good news is […]

Cut The Cord On Outdated Healthcare Phone Systems

For medical offices that are still using outdated healthcare phone systems, a legacy system is more of a liability than an asset. Today, everything lives on the cloud and technology has been created and implemented to keep patient data secure and communications HIPAA compliant.

4 Healthcare Technology Trends

To help everyone focus on the big picture, we have done a bit of research and found four healthcare technology trends popping out as being the most relevant.

RingRx VoIp Office Phone Capabilities

RingRx VoIp Office Phone Capabilities

At RingRx we realize that most companies with an interest in updating their office phone are actually “window shopping” for a proper fit. There are of course some options available to you and your business. And the overriding desire is a need to progress beyond the old school way of managing these calls (the switchboard […]

At the Crossroads of HIPAA Compliant VOIP

HIPAA compliant VOIP

The company telephone is “growing up,” it was just a matter of time. If you want your phone to finish the transition from unruly adolescent to a well-mannered adult you need to switch to a HIPAA Compliant VoIP system. It’s only natural. The older systems (legacy systems) were designed to perform very specific tasks, with […]